
223 Movie Reviews

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I thought it was pretty good. It had a lot of cool action in it. Good job!

scorpio4848 responds:

THANK YOU! i appreciate the support

These cartoons are awesome and funny! Wonderful job! ;)

I thought it was pretty funny, especially the ending. Good job!

Cool, I like it and I thought it was funny! I hope you make more. :)

WaldFlieger responds:

Thanks a lot! Working on the next one now! Also, be sure to check out my other uploads for more!

It's always great to see a new Madness movie! Props to you, Krinkels!

The story is great so far. I can't wait for Part 2! :)

Codeman160 responds:

Thank you for being my first commenter, haha. :)

Sort of disappointing...

Well first, I thought the art/animation was faily decent and I chuckle at the music, but this wasn't the parody I was expecting.

We get it. The characters in the anime talk a lot before they actually start to fight, but I want to see a Dragonball parody that makes jokes on the story of it and the characters, not making fun of a little cliche. And I for one like those "cliches", it brings a lot of suspense in before the actual battle, in my opinion.

And honestly, if all you care about is making fun of the cliches the anime has, than that is just sad. I think you're missing the point of what Dragonball really is...

I'm not sure if you watch Dragonball for the actual story of it or the cliches, but please, you should really try to make a better DBZ parody than this. I'm sorry.

(P.S. Also read the manga version of Dragonball, you'll get a better view of it than the anime. Both are still good though)

I think it's cool.

The animation is pretty good for your first. It's makes me in a hungry mood for some Peanut butter and Jelly Sanwiches!

I like how the music fits in with the amusing style of your flash, also.

Keep praticing on flash, though. You will definitley improve later in the future. But other than that, good job on this!

dinkymane responds:


Another great episode!

I love the Madness series, and I thought this flash was pretty awesome!

Animation: Pretty fluent, and it makes it more fun to watch.

Action: Really awesome, I love seeing all the blood everywhere from the pretty grueling violence. Great scene you had in this flash.

Humor: I find the ending was pretty funny with Tricky, not really what just happened in the room. Pretty amusing ending and I had a chuckle. :P

Overall: This is pretty much one of great episodes form the Madness Combat series. The action and violence scenes included in this scene make it awesome and which is why I love watching the Madness flashes. I glad you are still continuing this series, Krinkels. You basically made the Madness series part of Newgorunds history! Good job for everything!


I love it!

I got to admit that one of the best Clock Day submission I've seen.

The animation was fluid and came out very smoothly. I especially like the music you selected for this only because it was very beautiful and followed the story extremely well. Speaking of that, I enjoyed the story of this flash a lot and it was pretty well written from the beginning to the end of it. Though, it's sad that StrawberryClock had to die, like they say, you could never kill StrawberryClock. I also love the characters in the flash too, especially the Grim Reaper character when he encounters StrawberryClock so he will be ready to be perished and to face his own death.

But overall, I enjoyed seeing this flash and you did an extremely well job on making this for Clock Day 2011! I am expecting to see much more flashes like this one from you in the future only because you are a pretty excellent flash artist. So good job, MasterMerol!


Merol responds:


Cartoonist, comic book artist, and illustrator.

Andrew Berry @PsychoZoid

Age 28, Male


Joined on 6/27/11

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