All my life I've been having difficulting communicating with people in real life, due to an indentation I have on my head since child birth. I always feel depressed about it, but as of now I realized I have to changed now.
For now on, I will stop doing a tic of running back and forth since no normal person even does that. I think if I stop doing that I will at least communicate more.
I will also stop day dreaming and pay more attention in class, and I will stop doodling on my school work. I think these steps will help get some friends. I don't have any friends in real life and it's my dream to get some. All I need to do is talk and socialize like a normal person and I will finaly get more attention from other people.
-Andrew Berry
I hear that doodling habit was what shaped some of the greatest artists of today though! I drew some of my best stuff back in class (though for the record I'm not really an artist), looking back I probably could've been an even more efficient doodler but maybe that's just wishful thinking... there were teachers present after all. Best time for socialization seems like between classes though, woot, keep the dream alive!
Thanks for the advice.